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Journal club

Journal club 11/07/2018
Vitamin D intake
Achieving an adequate vitamin D status through dietary intake of vitamin D is difficult in older adults as food sources are limited and few foods are fortified with vitamin D. A recent analysis of dietary survey data across eight European countries (Belgium, Denmark, France, Germany, The Netherlands, Poland, Spain and the United Kingdom) showed...
Journal club 24/03/2017
Malnutrition and sarcopenia are conditions that are common and overlapping in older adults. Both conditions are strongly influenced by nutrition, where an inadequate nutrient intake is a contributing factor to weight loss and consequently functional impairment.

In evidence

In evidence 02/05/2018
As the first update of 2018, the Glisten group wants to highlight the importance of sarcopenia in the hospital. Two recent studies, the result of research by the GLISTEN group, have shown how the problem of sarcopenia is significant in the hospital, both in terms of prevalence at the time of admission, and incidence during the days of...
In evidence 15/09/2016
Advancing age is linked with important changes in body composition, the most remarkable of which, sarcopenia, is a major cause of physical function decay, disability, and mortality. After the age of 35 years, a healthy subject loses muscle mass at a rate of 1% to 2% per year in combi- nation with a 1.5% annual decline in strength, which...
In evidence 30/03/2016
Readmission and mortality in malnourished, older, hospitalized adults treated with a specialized oral nutritional supplement: A randomized clinical trial Nicolaas E. Deutz et al. on behalf of the NOURISH Study Group (Riammissione e mortalità in pazienti anziani malnutriti e ricoverati trattati con un supplemento nutrizionale orale specifico: uno...