NOURISH: high protein supplementation with HMB reduces the risk of mortality by 50% in older patients suffering from malnutrition with pulmonary or cardiac diseases
A cura di
F. Landi -
Wednesday, 30 March, 2016
Readmission and mortality in malnourished, older, hospitalized adults treated with a specialized oral nutritional supplement: A randomized clinical trial
Nicolaas E. Deutz et al. on behalf of the NOURISH Study Group
(Riammissione e mortalità in pazienti anziani malnutriti e ricoverati trattati con un supplemento nutrizionale orale specifico: uno studio clinico randomizzato
Nicolaas E. Deutz et al. per conto del Gruppo di Studio NOURISH)
In this multicenter, controlled and randomized clinical study, recently published online in Clinical Nutrition, the authors evaluated the effect of a high-protein oral nutritional supplement (ONS) with HMB (active leucine metabolite) in a sample of older hospitalized individuals suffering from clinically evident malnutrition (class B and C to the Subjective Global Assessment -SGA).
The sample of subjects enrolled in this study had one of the following diagnoses at the time of admission to the hospital: myocardial infarction, congestive heart failure, pneumonia, and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. The efficacy of the ONS with HMB was evaluated considering the incidence of mortality and the new admission to hospital during the three months following discharge.